Cultivating a Brighter Future

For Vincent, a farmer in the Rubanda district, producing enough for the family has been a challenge. “What we produced was only for our consumption. Moreover, the hilly terrain and limited water availability made it more difficult to get a good harvest”, Vincent shared. When RTV partnered with his village in December 2023 to sustainably improve agricultural production and incomes, Vincent saw the opportunity to change this.
Vincent and his wife, Agnes, participated in training sessions on modern farming techniques. The sessions provided hands-on learning on pre-and post-harvest management using organic fertilizers, water management for farming, and improved practices. They soon received good quality inputs in the form of improved seeds and various farming tools. “Techniques to improve water availability and making compost manure were new to us, and they have worked wonders. We wish we knew about them before,” Agnes said. They dug up pits in their small banana plantation to preserve rainwater and provide sufficient irrigation.

While Vicnent immediately started applying what he had learned to improve his harvest, he also planted a keyhole garden to provide for the family’s current needs and improve food security. “I was interested in growing vegetables for the health benefits they bring. I learned how to plant a keyhole garden and received vegetable seeds and seedlings. We planted green peppers, amaranth, cabbages, black nightshade, sukuma wiki, spinach, and green eggplants,” Vincent said. The vegetable garden serves as a dependable food source for the family and helps Vincent earn some extra money by selling surplus produce in the local market.

Vincent and Agnes are expecting a good harvest from beans and the Irish potatoes they have planted. They plan to buy some farmland to increase production, continue providing a wholesome diet for their children, and strengthen food security.
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